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Reading Lists: Home

Benefits of using Talis Aspire Reading Lists

1. Live availability of physical items in the library. 2. Direct links to online resources.  3. Central location for all readings. 4. Easy integration with Moodle. 5. Speeds up/simplifies process of acquiring material for the library

Quick start guide: Using Talis Aspire Reading Lists

  1. Login to Talis Aspire using your College username and password
  2. Add the Talis Aspire extension to your web browser, for more details on how to do this visit this page
  3. Edit an existing list or create a new one. Search Talis Aspire to see if you have an existing list for your course which you can then update. You can search by course code or name. To create a new list from scratch click on "My Lists" and then "Create new list". Enter the course code and name e.g. TT1234: Introduction to Literature, and select the correct academic year. There should only be one reading list per course.
  4. Add items to your list using the web extension You can remove items and move certain sections of your list. Use the "Add Section" option to add sections to your list e.g. Week 1 Readings, Week 2 Readings
  5. Submitting your list: Any changes will save automatically and you can revisit your draft list at any point. When you are finished press "Publish" in the top right hand corner. This will mean the list is published and viewable to students, and the library will order items where necessary. You can go back and make changes at any point, just remember to press "Publish" each time.

What is Talis Aspire?

Talis Aspire is an online reading list system. It enables faculty to easily collate, structure and annotate learning resources for best delivery of their courses. In turn, this helps students achieve learning objectives with structured lists that streamline access to resources.

Creative Commons License
Royal Holloway Library LibGuide by Royal Holloway Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.