Firstly you need to login and search Talis Aspire to see if there is a reading list for your course. You can search by course code or name.
If the list is there you can select it from the results to view in full. Make sure you login to the system and you will then be able to edit the list.
If the list does not appear when you search that means there is no list for that course and you will need to create one. Details on how to create a list can be found on this guide.
It is very important that when you are adding items to your reading list you check the information included in that item's bookmark. During the bookmarking/adding an item to your list process, Talis Aspire will bring across the relevant metadata relating to the item you are adding e.g. title, author, date of publication, ISBN, journal title, journal article etc.
The library relies on this metadata to be accurate for our automatic ordering process. If there is information missing then it makes it a lot harder for us to check our library holdings and obtain the item if needed, accurate information means we can get titles ordered and available in the library quicker.
You don't have to 'own' a list in order to edit it. If there are multiple staff responsible for the reading list you can all make edits to the list and just need to follow the instructions in the previous tab. However always check with your colleagues before you delete anything as it is not possible to revert any changes.
It is possible to own a list and this will ensure that your name appears at the top of the reading lists, although it is only possible for one name to appear here. To own a list follow these steps:
If you are an owner of a list and you no longer want to be please email your Information Consultant to remove your name from this list.
You can also add key lists to your own profile to allow for ease of access. To do this follow the steps above to locate a specific list. In the top right hand corner your will see the option to "+ My Lists". This will then save the list to your "My Lists" area that you can access from the homepage.
It is possible to alter the order of individual items and sections on your reading list.
A guide to deleting items can be seen below, this is also available as a PDF. It is important that you delete items that are not needed for the current academic year. This avoids confusion for students.
It is vital that each resource has a level of importance assigned to it so students are clear on the priorities for reading. The library is also reliant on this and use the importance levels to make informed purchasing decisions and ensure there are enough copies of the key texts. It is possible to edit the level of importance assigned to each item.
Each item has a drop down menu where you can select the importance. To find out more about the levels of importance and see our page on importances.
If you have any questions please contact your Information Consultant, or take a look at our FAQs page. Use the Reading List topic filter on the right hand side to only show reading list FAQs