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Postgraduate Researchers

Write here, write now

Write Here, Write Now is back!

Take a couple of hours out of your hectic schedule to sit down and write that chapter of your thesis, that book review or plan that journal article. Using the Pomodoro technique, Write Here, Write Now will give you the time, space and opportunity to tackle ‘that thing’ you’ve been meaning to do amongst peers trying to do the same thing.

This term the sessions will be online and guided by one of our librarians. If you have any enquiries, please email:

Click on the links below to book the Autumn term sessions:

- Tuesday, 25th September, 2-4 pm

- Wednesday, 21st October, 2-4 pm

- Thursday, 20th November, 2-4 pm

Creative Commons License
Royal Holloway Library LibGuide by Royal Holloway Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.