This is a brief list of statistics resources to get you started, make sure you check out your own subject guide to find out which are most useful for your studies.
Boundary data for the UK, both current and historical, for thematic and statistical mapping. Provides digitised boundary datasets of the UK, available in many Geographic Information System (GIS) formats to download and use. Includes GeoConvert: A geography matching and conversion tool.
Part of the UK Data Service Census Support, providing data and user support for anyone interested in using flow (also known as interactive) data from the Census.
Statistics and related information from the UK Census of Population, including aggregate counts of persons and households for various geographical units.
Major collections of government statistics and social data, including the General Household Survey and the Labour Force Survey. This collection includes data from the Collection of Historical and Contemporary Census Data (CHCC).
Official statistical information on the EU and the euro-zone.
The ICRG presents monthly political, economic, financial and composite risk ratings and forecasts. Monthly updates include 27 tables of economic and financial data affecting metrics most relevant to assessing the risk to commercial assets and related items.
The Political Risk index is based on 100 points, Financial Risk on 50 points, and Economic Risk on 50 points. The total points from the three indices are divided by two to produce the weights for inclusion in the composite country risk score. The composite scores, ranging from zero to 100, are then broken into categories from Very Low Risk (80 to 100 points) to Very High Risk (zero to 49.9 points). The ICRG model for forecasting financial, economic, and political risk was created in 1980 by the editors of International Reports, a widely respected weekly newsletter on international finance and economics. To meet the needs of clients for an in-depth and exhaustively researched analysis of the potential risks to international business operations, the editors created a statistical model to calculate risks and backed it up with analyses that explain the numbers and examine what the numbers do not show. The result is a comprehensive system that enables various types of risk to be measured and compared between countries. See further information.
News, data and documents to support evidence-based practice in social care with a focus on children's' care.
Census Microdata are datasets containing random samples of anonymous individual records.
Government statistics published by the Office for National Statistics, covering a range of subjects including business, crime, the economy, education, government, health and population.
A free search engine specialising in finding numerical and statistical material (e.g. graphs, tables and bar charts), unlike the conventional text-focused search engine.