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Help Accessing Resources: Home

How this guide works

The guide is designed to provide further information and help on accessing and using some of the different resources we have available to you at Royal Holloway. Use the tabs above to navigate to the different resources. Under Databases, for example, there is a different page for those databases that have further help and information on how to use it.

If you need any help using any resources, please contact the Library using the LiveChat option found on the left hand side of the webpage or contact your friendly Teaching and Engagement Librarian for your subject, who is always happy to help!

Below you can find search boxes for LibrarySearch, the "Google" of Royal Holloway to see what resources are available to you. You can also search for your reading lists and also comb the Databases A-Z list for all the databases we subscribe to at Royal Holloway.

Quick Links: Accessing Resources

Use the search box below to access Library Search. You can use this to search for journal articles, books, ebooks, DVDs and other resources.

Use the search box below to search for your module's reading list. You can search by the module code or name.

Use the link below to view a list of all the databases that the library has access to. You will find recommendations for subject specific databases in the "Finding Subject Specific Information" tab.


How to use Library Search


The Discovering strand will help you develop the skills you need to find subject specific information easily. This is useful if you are reading to prepare for a lecture or seminar, need to find resources for research, or want to go beyond your reading list resources for an assignment. Here you will find resources covering: how to use LibrarySearch, how to build effective search terms, how to use Boolean operators, and citation searching in LibrarySearch and databases.

Creative Commons License
Royal Holloway Library LibGuide by Royal Holloway Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.