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Digital Citizenship: Staying Safe Online

This guide provides information and resources on various digital safety and digital citizenship issues, offering training, support and tips for being a responsible digital citizen.

Staying Safe Online

There’s a lot we can all learn about being cyber aware and staying safe online, and IT Services offer some key tips and guidance. This page details some of the most important things to know about staying safe online you can take a look at the other IT webpages we link to for more information.

Some top tips on staying safe online

Practice Caution If something doesn't look right, pause, double check it or ask for support
Don’t give out your details Unless you have verified the organisation who needs them, and why
Report anything unusual When you suspect something isn’t quite right, report it to the IT Service Desk; you can email, call or visit in person
Use strong passwords Don’t share them with anyone else: Visit our passwords page for more details
Make sure your software is up to date Updating your devices helps to protect against software vulnerabilities, which scammers can take advantage of. When your device prompts you to accept an update, make the time to do this. On your personal devices, ensure you have antivirus software installed
Keep your working environment secure As well as using antivirus software, make sure you don’t leave your devices alone and unlocked in spaces where others could access them
Do account health checks This could mean taking a look at your sign in history regularly (a lot of online services offer this information), check which devices you have registered for multi-factor authentication (and if any of them are unfamiliar), and check for mailbox rules you don't recognise
Ask for support if you need it Contact the IT service desk on

Scams are becoming more and more convincing, and criminals are finding better ways to access the information they want. There are things we can all do to act against cyber crime, but if something does happen, there is no need to embarrassed or feel singled out, as it really can happen to anyone – the most important thing is to report it.

How to create a strong password

More advice on staying safe online from IT Services

Use the links below to find more information and support on staying safe online. The information is put together by IT Services, some of the pages will require a login to access them:

Step by Step Guide on How to Stay Cyber Aware

Staying Cyber Safe

Cyber Security Explained

Cyber Awareness Campaign videos

IT Services Help page.

What Is Phishing and how to avoid the bait

Phishing quiz

Phishing quiz

Can you spot when you're being phished? Identifying phishing can be harder than you think. This quiz, from Jigsaw, takes you through things to be aware of regarding phishing scams. Jigsaw is a unit within Google that 'explores threats to open societies'.

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Royal Holloway Library LibGuide by Royal Holloway Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.