Digital citizenship involves responsibly using technology to learn, create, and engage online. Being a good digital citizen is a social responsibility, requiring the same level of dignity and respect in virtual spaces as in physical spaces.
Key principles include maintaining empathy and kindness both online and offline, respecting cultural differences, engaging thoughtfully in disagreements without personal attacks, thinking before posting to prevent harm or damage, and standing up for oneself and others by reporting unsafe behaviour.
In essence, digital citizenship is about using technology responsibly, treating others with respect online, and upholding principles such as empathy, cultural understanding, and thoughtful communication.
This online guide provides information and resources on various digital safety and digital citizenship issues, offering training, support and tips for being a responsible digital citizen.
The Microsoft Digital Civility Challenge gives four simple rules to keep in mind:
1. Live the golden rule
I will act with empathy, compassion and kindness in every interaction, and treat everyone I connect with online with dignity and respect.
2. Respect differences
I will appreciate cultural differences and honour diverse perspectives. When I disagree, I will engage thoughtfully and avoid name calling and personal attacks.
3. Pause before replying
I will pause and think before responding to things I disagree with. I will not post or send anything that could hurt someone else, damage someone’s reputation, or threaten my safety or the safety of others.
4. Stand up for myself and others
I will tell someone if I feel unsafe, offer support to those who are targets of online abuse or cruelty, report activity that threatens anyone’s safety, and preserve evidence of inappropriate or unsafe behaviour.
More information can be found on the Microsoft digital civility website.
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Watch the above video, 'Making the Internet a Safer Place' for an introduction to the concept of 'cyber hate' and how we can all make our online community safer for everyone.