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MN5819: Finding information for your consultancy project: Managing your references

This library help guide will outline the buffet of resources available to aid you with your consultancy project for module MN5812.

A reference management tool allows you to save references in one place, organise them, and format references into your required referencing style, which for the School of Business and Management is Harvard. These tools come with the ability to add in-text citations as you write and create a reference list at the end of your assignment.

In short, they are an easy way to create accurate in-text citations and reference lists for assignments!

At Royal Holloway, we pay for all students to be able to use RefWorks and EndNote, and further details on these tools can be found below. There are also a number of free reference management tools like Zotero and Mendeley, which your Teaching and Engagement Librarian can also support you to use. So take a look and see which reference management tool suits you best!

Key information

RefWorks is an online research tool to help you manage your references. On the Library Moodle page, there is a whole section with accompanying videos dedicated to getting you set up and using RefWorks.

It has some particularly useful add-on tools:

Save references on the web. Use Save to RefWorks to add references and full-text to RefWorks from any website.

RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM). For Word 2016 and above. Install the RCM into Word via the Add Ons section in Word (under the Insert tab). If using RHUL's 365 Word the RCM should already be downloaded and can be found in the same area but under the My Add Ons section.

Cite in Google Docs. Use Google Docs to write? Our add-on allows you to insert and edit citations from your RefWorks library while you're working in Docs. It even adds your bibliography for you!

Saving from Library Search. All catalogue records within librarysearch have a RefWorks option which will automatically save the reference to your account.

To create a RefWorks account:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on create account
  3. Enter your RHUL email address and select Check
  4. Fill in the form - enter your first and last name, your subject area and role within the university, Click on Next
  5. Keep selecting Next to go through some of the important features of using RefWorks then on Done

What is EndNote?

EndNote is a client-based (i.e. installed on a computer) software package to enable you to: organise, store and manage your references, create bibliographies automatically in MS Word or OpenOffice, directly import references from Library journals databases (e.g Web of Science) and library catalogues including Royal Holloway’s and the British Library.

How do I get EndNote?

View the installation guidance and download Endnote for Windows and Mac.

EndNote Web Guides

In addition to this, there are a number of video tutorials available online - and a YouTube channel with tutorials organised into playlists by theme. 

What is Zotero?

Zotero is a free bibliographic software extension which works as an add-on in Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari. Features include automatic capture of information from websites, formatted citation export, integration with Microsoft Word and LibreOffice.

Creative Commons License
Royal Holloway Library LibGuide by Royal Holloway Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.