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Geography: Finding Subject Specific Information

The Royal Holloway University of London subject guide for the Department of Geography


In this section of the Library's Moodle space you will find resources and activities to help you develop your information searching skills.

Accessing other libraries

Through this link you will find more information about accessing Senate House's physical and online resources, as well as information about accessing libraries at other institutions.

Recommended Resources

These are some useful resources for Geography but we have many more! You can see the full list of subject specific resources here or see our Library Resources A-Z for all the resources you have access to as a member of Royal Holloway.

Accessing resources off campus

To access our resources off-campus, you can use Royal Holloway's VPN, which will simulate on-campus access.

If you are not using Royal Holloway's VPN, you may be asked for a login. In this instance you can use your College username and password (which you normally use to access Moodle).

More information on accessing e-resources can be found in our Accessing Eresources page.

General resources

The link below will help you find Royal Holloway PhD theses, UK theses through British Library's EThOS service and theses and dissertations from other countries through ProQuest.

Creative Commons License
Royal Holloway Library LibGuide by Royal Holloway Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.